Archive | June 11, 2013

You Never Walk Alone



I said “The path is steep “

He said “I’m at your side”

I said, “But I am weak”

He said, “For you I died”

I said, “Dark valleys come”

He said, “I will guide you through”

I said, “But I’m not brave”

He said, “I will walk with you”

I said, “Be the light to me, and strength as I go on”

He said, “I’m more. I’m Love. Your Never walk alone”


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I am very pleased to share an old poem that I always keep in my heart. It very encoraging me when I was in a bad and difficult time.


I asked for strength, and God gave me difficulties to make me strong

I asked for wisdom, and God gave me problems to solve

I asked for prosperity, and God gave me brawn and brain to work

I asked for courage, and God gave me dangers to overcome

I asked for patience, God placed me in situations where I was forced to wait

I asked for love, and God gave me troubled people to help

I asked for favors, and God gave me opportunities

I received nothing I wanted

I received everything I needed.


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When God say ” No”

NOBasically prayer means a form of communication, a way of talking to God or to the saints. Way to interact with God and way to earn a request or wish something from God. Prayer also used for praising and worshiping to God.

This evening I would like to discuss a topic about unanswered prayer. Or in other words, God says “No” on our prayers. Why I was interested with this topic? Because some time ago my friend have to share her problem and still no answer from God for her prayer. She  thought  probably  the  answer of his prayer is “NO”

Well, let’s assume that the answer to the prayers of my friend is no. I strongly believe that there is something behind that answer. There are some reasons behind God’s answer. And that reasons are…

Sin in our lives.

The psalmist wrote, “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the LORD would not have listened” (Ps. 66:18). Not that God is unable to hear, for He is omniscient, but that He maintains His distance when we allow sin to be a wall between us.
Major disobedience sets us up for long-term unanswered prayer: When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the Lord will not answer you in that day.” (l Sam. 8:18). That is the first reason. There is cherished or hidden sin in our heart. If so, what should we do? Only one that should to do; Confess and repent..!  God wants us to leave our sin first.

God has something far greater in store for us.
Mary and Martha wanted Jesus to heal Lazarus, but He had resurrection in mind.
We ask for health, but often sickness and suffering or something less than wealth is the best way to produce holiness and maturity in us. God did not give us what we want because God has something far greater than we ask.

To say yes would bring us harm we don’t foresee.

A woman who had spent the summer away from her children, and was quite anxious to get back to them. When she learned that all the rooms on a certain steamer were taken, she wept bitterly. Because she couldn’t get a passage on any other ship, she was detained two weeks in NYC. But the sorrow of being delayed was turned into thanksgiving when, within a few days, she learned that the vessel that denied her passage was buried at the bottom of the Atlantic. She didn’t see the “no” as a wonderful answer to prayer until the whole story unfolded. This story tells us that God has His own plan in our lives. And obviously God’s plan is greater than our plan.

God needs to prepare us to receive His best.

God knows we need to mature in some areas before we can fully enjoy His spiritual and material blessings (Eph. 1:3). For instance, many young people pray for a marriage partner, but God delays answering that prayer until He knows they’re ready. Godreallywants us tobe ready to accept His tremendous blessing.

God works on His time table.

We can look back on our life and see that if God had answered prayers according to our timing, we would have missed His best in every case. Sometimes He wants to give us something better: more than we asked for, expected or deserved. While it may seem like He’s not listening, He could simply be waiting to grant you something amazing.

Selfishness hinders our prayers.

If we get so wrapped up in our needs and our wants that we forget to lift up those in need of prayer, then God will not answer our requests. Proverbs 21:13 says “He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.” We must remember that we have received freely, so freely we should give.

 Our relationships must be right.

If we are harboring anger, bitterness, or hate for others, how can we expect to fellowship with our heavenly Father? If there’s lingering conflict on an earthly level, specifically in our homes, then often, God will not answer prayers until the problems have been worked out (Matthew 6:14-15).

We should hunger for the Word.

God intends for us to have an appetite for His Word. When we become indifferent to the Word and its truths, God will not answer our prayers. Proverbs 28:9 declares, “If anyone turns a deaf ear to the law, even his prayers are detestable.” When our lives and prayers aren’t based on Scripture, we are likely to focus solely on our situation and our struggle, and our prayers will remain unanswered.

Now is the time to take each unanswered prayer to God and ask Him what is keeping Him from responding. Just like any good earthly father, our heavenly Father is willing to tell us why we can’t have certain things we ask for (James 4:2). He may point to unconfessed sins or refocus your attention on Him. Whatever the situation, don’t keep making excuses. In every circumstance, He is seeking to conform you to the image of His Son. As you keep this in mind, you’ll pray more in line with God’s will, and you’ll see more answered prayers.

Thank you to my friend Adinda who willing to share your problem with me.


Adapted from:  Book “Handle with Prayer” author: Charles F. Stanley, “Reasons for Unanswered Prayer “Study by Sue Bohlin