Tag Archive | wisdom

Renewed Strength (Guest Post)

Who is never tired and weak?  Who has never weary and felt helpless?  All of us have experienced it.  Is it normal?  Of course, because we are human.  We live in an endless stream of times, regardless of what our circumstances are.  There are times when we feel relieved because one problem is resolved, but a new problem is waiting.  Life continues to force us to walk, whether we are strong or not. Sometimes we want time to pause so we can put all the heavy burdens down, but that’s not possible.  Indeed, there are times when our lives are peaceful and everything is fine.  We are relieved and hope that there is no more pressure.  But that calm is only temporary, because something bad, which we never imagined and we don’t want, can happen suddenly.  When we are depressed, we cry out to God, hoping for a miracle.  But the situation didn’t change, sometimes it even got worse.  Maybe we wonder, does God not hear our prayers?  Does He not know what we are going through, or does He deliberately ignore it?  In the midst of that situation, we are still trying to survive and try not to fall, but some of us may become tired, even want to give up.

If you are weary and weak, tired due to the burdens and pressures of life, let’s read what the prophet Isaiah wrote:

Why do you complain, Jacob?  Why do you say, Israel, “My way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is disregarded by my God”?

Do you not know?  Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

(Isaiah 40: 27-28 NIV)

These verses are part of a prophecy from God written by the prophet Isaiah in his last years, to give hope and comfort to God’s people during their captivity in Babylon, 150 years after Isaiah’s time.  God’s people were rebuked for their unbelief and discouragement in the face of suffering, which they thought was so heavy and sad, as if it was hopeless.  The rebuke was also followed by God’s statement about Himself, that He is eternal God, Creator of all things, Ruler of all things.  He does not weary and he does not become weak.  His understanding is unfathomable.  There is no problem so great that He cannot solve and He is able to punish Israel’s oppressors, even though Israel’s years of captivity seem to give the opposite impression.

The same thing God says to us today.  Although sometimes God seems to allow injustice or bad things to happen in our lives, God actually cares about us.  He does not run out of ideas and ways to help us.  He has wisdom to save.  His understanding is unexpected.  He is extraordinary at arranging things to accomplish His purposes and plans, but He has His own path and timing. God’s wisdom in managing human affairs is beyond our understanding.  That’s why we need strength from God in order to live life in this world full of problems.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

(Isaiah 40: 29 NIV)

“He gives strength to the weary” in this verse is very similar to Jesus’ statement, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” in Matthew 11: 28-30.  This is an invitation to draw close to God and live by His standards, in order to obtain the strength He promises.

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;

but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

(Isaiah 40: 30-31 NIV)

Anyone can be weary, weak, tired and utterly fall.  But only those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  Those who hope in God will surely wait on God. Waiting on God is not waiting passively or doing nothing.  Waiting on God is an attitude of waiting with hope, joy, patience, diligence, while still doing what has to be done, like a farmer waiting for the harvest time.  Waiting on God is an active attitude.  We can see this attitude in the parable taught by the Lord Jesus in Luke 18: 1-8 about the unjust judge and a widow who constantly urged the judge for help.  “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” (verse 1)  So, the important thing we have to do during this waiting period is pray without giving up.

God promises that those who wait on Him and hope in Him will receive new strength, a divine power that renews our human strength.  A divine power that makes us energized and refreshed, in the midst of fatigue in living a life full of struggles.  With this renewed strength, we will be able to overcome the problems of this world, even enter into the sanctuary of God, like an eagle flying high into the sky on the strength of its wings.

Waiting on God to give us the ability to run spiritually and be able to move forward without feeling weary and tired, including when God suspends His help.  When we hope fully in Him, we will be able to carry out God’s commandments with joy, perseverance and persistence, because we know our waiting is not in vain.  We are human but we have a super and extraordinary God. Life is not easy, yes, but we have an eternal and powerful God, whose wisdom is unfathomable and incomparable.  It is okay if you are feeling tired, weak and helpless right now.  The most important thing is to immediately come closer to the Lord Jesus and wait for Him.  God will renew the strength of those who hope in Him, so that we will not only be able to overcome problems, but also continue to progress and our spirituality will grow even more.  Lord Jesus loves you.

By: Sella Irene – Beautiful Words

Photo Credit: Google Images ( wallpaperscraft.com ) edited with pixlr apps

Meaningful Life Under the Heavens (part 2) : WAITING FOR GOD CALLING (guest post)

In recent times, God has led me and my husband in experience and ministries related to life and death.  Among the many things that happened, there were two moments that really touched our hearts.

First Moment

That afternoon we went to the hospital to pray for a grandmother.  She is more than 90 years old.  Her extremely thin body lay weak with her eyes closed. The doctor can’t do much to help her.  Not only because the disease is very malignant and hasn’t been cured medically resolved, but also because her old body is unable to receive proper therapy and treatment for the disease.  After praying for her, we sang a simple song that talked about the love of Jesus. We sing softly over and over again. We believe that even though her eyes are closed, even if in a coma, her inner man can certainly hear our voices even though her physical body seems to not respond.  After a while, we saw tears flowing from the corner of her eye.  Her eyes still remained closed and between conscious and not, but the flowing tears showed that her heart responded.  We continued to sing and sing, until then the grandmother began to open her eyes and sing.  At first her voice was soft and sometimes the pronunciation wasn’t clear, but while we continued to sing the simple song over and over again, the longer her voice was louder. We knew, at that time God was working touching her heart and giving new strength.  Then we prayed once more, leading her to not be afraid and doubtful of surrendering to Jesus, guiding her to make a confession that Jesus is Lord and Savior.  After being prayed for, she could sleep well and no longer be delirious about frightening things that were invisible as she had always seen the previous nights.  We believe that God gave her peace that transcends all understanding, beyond fear about everything she would leave behind or she would face in life after death.  The peace from God is a guarantee and an inward witness that she is safe in the Father’s hands.  A few days later we heard the news that the grandmother had calmly returned to the Father’s house.  Indeed, whatever we have been achieved in this life, ultimately the most important thing is the certainty of salvation in eternal life.

Second Moment

Near midnight a few days ago, we were shocked by the news.  One friend who has served with us for almost 30 years has suddenly been called home by God.  He was still around 55 years old.  He was sitting and chatting with his family when suddenly he bowed and left forever.  Many people could hardly believe because only two or three days earlier he had served with us at a big event.  Our hearts were moved, as if God were waiting for him to finish his task until the event was finished and then called him home.  What a sweet impression.

But … reality isn’t always like that right?  In fact, there are people even God’s servants who are called home by God when they are actively working on God’s vision and mission.  In the view of humans as if their task isn’t finished, but we are uncertain.  God has His own judgment and that is perfect. Whatever it is, death is always unpredictable, incomprehensible.  The measure isn’t t age, health, ministry, not even a person’s good or evil. What, why and how, only God knows.


Indeed, each of us is waiting for the time to be called by God.  Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2 clearly says that there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die (Meaningful Life under the Heavens – click here).  Every one of us has a period we don’t know when it will end. Each of us has a deadline that we don’t know when.  God can call us anytime, anywhere, in any way.  Now … as people waiting to be called by God, there are important questions that each of us must reflect on and answer it.

Are we ready whenever our lifespan runs out?  Are we sure of our eternal destination in life after death? Have we received eternal salvation from God?  Have we been living our lives according to God’s will?  How much time do we use to do God’s work, and how much time do we waste in vain?  What should we do while we wait for God to call us??  The preacher advises us:

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV)

The word “to do” comes from the Hebrew word “asah” which means accomplish that is “to finish something successfully or to achieve something”.  So, God asks us not only to do it but to accomplish it and to achieve what is supposed to be achieved.

The word “your might” comes from the Hebrew word “koach” which means “ability” which is “the mental or physical power or skill needed to do something”.  So, the word “your might” here is not doing on our own and carelessly, but works with the physical, mental, and certain skills needed to accomplish the task.

We weren’t created by accident.  Conscious or not, we are created with a purpose.  In our hands is being entrusted with a special mission, a life that doesn’t follow where the flow brings, but is in a plan to do God’s work for His Kingdom.  Therefore don’t ignore things that seem to come to our lives naturally or even coincidentally, that is, all the forms that the preacher calls as working, planning, knowledge and wisdom.  Whatever forms these things have in our lives, our task is to accomplish it.  For this reason, God has provided the equipment we need, namely mental, physical, and skill.  But mental readiness, physical strength, and skill aren’t things that fall from the sky.  God gave it for free, yes that’s true because God is the source, but we also have to study, train, and develop it.  This isn’t for the sake of our careers will increase so that our future will be better or that we be rewarded as smart people who are multi-talented, but to achieve and accomplish what is God’s purpose in our lives.

This life is a sure wait for God’s call to eternity.  We must be ready whenever the time comes.  Let us not be complacent with all the hustle and bustle of our busy life, but focus on what is God’s will in our lives.  As long as we continue to be faithful and diligent in doing everything that God allows in our lives by using every power provided by God, our lives aren’t in vain.  We will have a meaningful life.  At least we have tried earnestly to do God’s will.  Most importantly, make sure that we have believe in Jesus as our only Lord and Savior.  Make sure that we always make God as our Shepherd.  Only He is the Helper, Guardian, Leader and Guide who can guarantee us to arrive at the house of the eternal Father and stay with the Father forever.

“The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me],  I shall not want. . . . Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in the presence of the Lord.” (Psalm 23 AMP)


By: Sella Irene – Beautiful Words

Photo Credit: Google Images ( pixabay.com ) edited with pixlr apps


Hello, dear readers. Now I am just stopping by to give a short note to this guest post. This time, with all of my respect, I would like to thank you for all of your prayers to me and my father. Though my father hasn’t totally recovered, we are grateful to God almighty his health condition is getting better. And for me personally, Right now I get into a new season of life. My father’s doctor team had given serious warning and ultimatum that starting from now, my father should resign and totally quit from all of his business activities. It means me (as his single daughter) and my mom should take over all of my father’s activities. This will be a hard season of my life. There will be a huge burden on my shoulder should to bear. But, as Sister Sella said in this post that there is too much proof of God’s promises when we are in the midst of hard season. I strongly believe God will not let me walk alone. His loving hand will always hold me tight to go through this season.

Dear readers, Thank you for your prayer and support. I am so sorry still couldn’t active visit and read your awesome posts. I do promise will be come back again. God bless you All.

(Karina Lam)


Life is a journey of time to go through season after season.

Every season is a new season because we don’t know what will happen in the future.

Kids are living in a child season. When they are growing up, they will enter the seasons that are no longer dominated by “their world” itself, but began to be burdened with different needs and responsibilities.

For the newlyweds, it will certainly have different season when in the later they have child, son-in-law, and grandchild. All was going along with the journey of human cycle.


All of the seasons we have talked above are the common season and almost experienced by everyone. We even could make a prediction when the season will come up. We are able to make approximate calculation and prepare ourselves as best as we can do. We could make physically and mentally preparing, and even make financial planning. But how perfectly our preparations and planning, we still don’t know what will be happen in the upcoming season.

“A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9 NKJV)

A shocking thing could be happen! The unpredictable season could suddenly come up and we are forced to change the plan, and even deflecting our lives direction. It would be so nice if it’s a beautiful season but often it’s unpleasant, hard to bear, and we definitely cannot run away from the reality. There’s no other choice! We have to go through until the new season comes again!

But don’t be terrified and discouraged, because we have the holy promise from God:

“Even to your old age, I am He, And even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you.” (Isaiah 46:4 NKJV)

That is God’s promise to His children. People who really put trust in God will not allow walking alone. When “tough season” is coming, His presence is always MORE THAN ENOUGH for us.


The Holy Bible has recorded the proofs of God’s involvement among His chosen people!

The Israelites was passing through the various seasons. At the first time they enjoyed the privileges in Egypt during the Joseph’s reign. All they needs was guaranteed very well until the situation changed drastically. The new season was coming, and brought Israelites into the slavery.

In the midst of suffering was coming a glimmer of hope for freedom. They stepped out of Egypt to the Promise Land. But apparently to heading there they had to experience “The desert season” for the long enough period of time, which is 40 years. And when the Promise Land was emblazoned in the front of their eyes, they weren’t immediately being able to live comfortably. They had to snatch it through one war to another war.

All seasons that they must experience was hard and requires a sacrifice. BUT SEE, THE PRESENT OF GOD IS ALWAYS REAL IN EVERY SEASON!!!

  • The existence of Joseph in Egypt is the proof that God is the Omniscient God who has prepared everything to preserve His people from the famine, long before it happened. (source: Genesis 50:20 ; Psalms 105:16-17)
  • The ten plagues on Pharaoh and on Egypt are the manifestation of God’s power to deliver His people. (source: Exodus 7:1-5)
  • The land of Goshen in which the Israelites dwelled has been spared from the plagues is a proof that God is the defender and protector of His people. (source: Exodus 8:22)
  • The pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire are the manifestation of the existence of God in the desert. (source: Exodus 13:22)
  • Manna from the heaven and water that came out from the rock are a proof that God always take care of the life of His people. (source: Exodus 16:35 ; Exodus 17:6)
  • The collapse of the walls of Jericho and the victory of Israel in any war are a proof of God’s help and defense. (source: Joshua 6 ; Hebrews 11:32-34)
  • Untill this day God is always there and reveal Himself through prophets, apostles, pastors, and through miracles.

Too much proofs of God’s presence in the midst of the hard season that we must go through. All of that are proof that God is always be there and real in the life of His children from era to era, from season to season until the end of time!

“… I am with you all the days (perpetually, uniformly, and on every occasion), to the  close and consummation of the age. Amen (so let it be).” (Matthew 28:20b AMP)

Let’s us holding on to the God’s promises and learning to put our trust in the Lord to anything that He allows happen to us, although we don’t understand His decision.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9 NKJV)

By the depth of His wisdom, God establishes and governs every season of our lives. Every season is a process that we must go through. We cannot choose or reject it, because God has a purpose in every process. All of that is to shape us to be more like Him to do His will according His grand design. We must obey and surrender to all God’s guidance. We must be willing to shaped and to transformed by God.

Each season has its own peculiarities. We cannot live in a new season in a way that we use in the season has passed. We must be willing to change everything that needs to be changed: habits, mindsets, perspectives, and ways of working, the pattern of relations, financial management, and so on.

When we go through every season in obedience and trust in the Lord, and do our part by diligently and grateful, then at the end of the season we will reap the results of the “exercise” we have been through. Namely the “muscles of faith” becomes stronger, the purity of heart, more to be holy, the way of our thinking be renewed, increasing in the knowledge of God, and spiritual maturity. And the most important is we will have an intimate and strong relationship with the Holy Spirit more than before, so that we are ready to entering a new season, whatever it is! Ecclesiastes wrote profound reflection on it.

“The end of a thing is better than its beginning” (Ecclesiastes 7:8a NKJV)


There is no easy process for the flesh. But the end of the result is the God’s glory will more shine on our lives. We will reap the fruit of the seed that we have sowed along the season.

  • After a long trip and full of struggle in the wilderness, finally Israel obtained the Promised Land. (source: Acts 13:17-19)
  • After sold as a slave and put into the prison, finally Joseph became governor over Egypt and even be a blessing to the nations. (source: Acts 7:9-10)
  • After losing all his children and all his wealth, finally Job got the double blessing from God. (source: Job 42:10)
  • Abraham, David, Noah, and people of faith, finally completing the God’s calling in their lives because they walked with the Lord in every season of their lives. (source: Hebrews 11)

So it is with you and me. If we always walk with the Holy Spirit in every season of our lives, then at the end the great grand design of God to us will revealed. Indeed, we do not know how the end of this season or how the next season to come. But God will not let us walk alone. Be patient and persevere in prayer. Everything must be beautiful in its time.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts…” (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NKJV)

“Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.” (Psalms 27:14 AMP)



By: Sella Irene – Beautiful Words

Photo Credit: Google Images

Note: Dear readers, just because of Karina still focus on her daddy’s health, so by Karina’s permission this post uploaded be myself (Sella Irene). And for this time comment and like are disabled. Thank you 🙂


ONLY THROUGH LOVE (guest post)

Our Christian identity is not like ID card that reads “Christian”, the symbol of the cross, or a painting of Jesus hanging on the walls of our homes. Nor various attributes nuanced “Christian” that we use.

Our Christian identity is LOVE, because love is God’s “FINGER PRINT” in us. Only through the love then the world will know the Father through us.

Have we live and move only in and by Father’s love??

From the beginning the Christ followers had experience a variety obstacles and challenges. Acts 4 tells us that Peter and John were arrested by the priests because they proclaim Jesus’ resurrection. In Chapter 5 the high priest and his followers captured the apostles and put them in jail because of jealous and indignation. And after the martyrdom of Stephen in chapter 6 and 7, many obstacles and challenges increasingly expanded until now.

This is not surprising because the Lord Jesus himself said: “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” (John 15:18–19 NKJV)

As followers of Christ in the modern world, we not only have to maintain the purity of faith in the midst of an increasingly free lifestyle, but we also have to be careful and thoughtful in dealing with various obstacles and challenges that may come. Knowingly or not, the world will continually see us. They see every speech and our actions. They assess how a follower of Christ to respond when treated not well.

When our hearts are hurt, whether we will reply to wounding with sharper “arms” or we will forgive them.  When we are insulted, whether we will turn disparage them or we give them smile. When we hated, whether we will respond with scorn or we will give them love. The world will see what our respond when all the unpleasant things happened to us.

In Acts 6 & 7, Stephen was being treated cruel and unjust. He was falsely accused on charges of blasphemy: Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmen (Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia), disputing with Stephen.  And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke. Then they secretly induced men to say, “We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.” (Acts 6:9-11)

The result of all that is Stephen brought to the council and must take the punishment that should not be, that died at the hands a lot of people who stoned him. Right at the threshold of death, Stephen prayed: “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep. (Acts 7:60 NKJV)

In the midst of overflows hatred and anger of crowd to him, Stephen’s heart surrounded by the love that enabled him to forgive those who wronged him. What kind of love that able to forgive that great sin? It was not love that comes from the heart of an ordinary person!

In Acts 6:3,5,8 was written that Stephen was a good reputation person, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, full of faith and power. All of it, are spiritual qualities which only owned by the pious people, namely those who actually maintain his relationship with God. People are not just run a religious duty, but always live in intimacy with God, abiding, and really put their lives on God.

The reflection of Stephen’s intimacy with God is look so clear in the council when the witnesses gave false testimony about Stephen: And all who sat in the council, looking steadfastly at him, saw HIS FACE AS THE FACE OF AN ANGEL. (Acts 6:15 NKJV)

Stephen was full of God’s presence. The glory of God is so real surround him until other people can see it! The Holy Spirit lives within Stephen so he filled with love that enabled him to forgive and faithful till the end. Musing for all of us is: Did anyone else see the glory of God through our lives??

We know that human nature is returning evil for evil, and kindness with kindness. Some are even repay kindness with evil. But as followers of Christ we are required to live in different standard of love:

“For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?” (Matthew 5:46 NKJV)

“But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.” (Luke 6:27-28 NKJV)

Christ teaches us to love those who hate us because they don’t know what they did. They hate us because they do not know God the Father. “But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me.” (John 15:21 NKJV)

If we hate them, then who will preach the Gospel of Salvation to them?! Hate those who “persecute” us is tantamount to closing the door of salvation for them. Father’s will is that everyone is saved. Therefore we must demonstrate God’s love for them through concrete actions. Thus they will get to know Father in Heaven through us.

If we’ve done a good and right thing but others are still figure out our mistakes… If we are currently facing particular pressure because we are the obedient Christians… If someone mock us as “fanatics” or “pastor” because we do not want to compromise with certain sin… No matter of the form of obstacles and challenges that happened, our first response must be LOVE. If our hearts are always filled with Christ’s love, then that love will keep us so that our next move will not deviate from love corresponding with Father’s will.

In 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3 was written the extreme comparison of love. Let me quote it in full for we reflect together:

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.  And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:1-3 NKJV)

Love is our Christian identity. Without love, all we do is nonsense, useless, and nothing! Let us not be known just as Christians who went to church, energetic in ministry, and is active in various social activities. All was good, but above all let us be known as a Christian who full of loving Christ.

However, how perfect the love of Christ! How high and deep His love is always far beyond of human’s love. Without His help, we would not be able to reach it. The love that could meet standard of God’s love is only love that comes from God’s Spirit alone!

“Now hope does not disappoint, because THE LOVE OF GOD HAS BEEN POURED OUT IN OUR HEARTS BY THE HOLY SPIRIT who was given to us.” (Romans 5:5 NKJV)

If we want to have the love of Christ, we must always be in with the Holy Spirit. If we continue to build intimacy with the Holy Spirit, from time to time, we will be change into more and more like Christ, so that we will enabled to love others as Christ has loved us first.

The core of Christianity is love because God is love. The reason of God’s works for the world is love. If we wish to be a blessing and bring many souls to Christ, there is no way other than we must always be connected with the Holy Spirit.

Let us open our heart and allow the Holy Spirit pour Father’s love till the love attached to be our identity that cannot be separated from our lives, flow through our lives, and touch a lot of people so they can feel and see it. Because only through love we can be a blessing and praising God.

“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13 NKJV)


By: Sella Irene – Beautiful Words

Photo credit: Google Images

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BECOMING A LEADER (guest post)

Becoming a Leader

What is the first thing that crosses your mind when you listen to “Becoming a leader”? Is it having excessive authority, being respected by many people, surrounded with facilities and priorities? Or…….



There was a time when James, John and their mother come to meet Jesus (Matthew 20:20-28, Mark 10:35-45), asking for His favor to be seated on both right and left sides of Jesus in His kingdom. In the other words, they wanted to be a part of the Kingdom, having power and position. But Jesus answered, “…..whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant.” (Matthew 20:25-26 NKJV)

Becoming a leader doesn’t mean to become the sovereign or ruler. It means we become a servant. Jesus had set an example by washing His disciples’ feet. “He rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet…..” (John 13:4-5)

Jesus was much respected by His disciples, He took off His robe, girded Himself with a towel as a symbol that He positioned Himself as a modest servant.

If we want to become a leader who is favored by God, we also need to take off our “Robe”, be it our pride, status, ego and all the attributes that displays our proudness, and then we learn become a humble servant.

Becoming a leader is not about physical activities but also about humility. An arrogant leader tends to do things as he wishes, look down and dont appreciate his people, and is hungry for respect. Humility talks also about the willingness to see our people can be great , or even greater than us.

Leadership is about being of service to other, not to served by others. Set an example and stop ordering them according to your own will.

As a leader, we could not demand to be served and honored for “WHO are we” and “WHAT is our position”, but let us set an example in our speech and action. Then people will look up on us, not because of their obligation, but because of their respect from the deepest of their heart.



Leadership is not a position or title, but it is a trust and responsibility

The higher the position and more people to be led means that the bigger responsibility which the leader need to handle.

Moses was chosen by God to lead millions of Israelite. Moses had to face many characteristics of the people and solved the problem for them. Moses realized he would not able to handle everything on his own. Because of it, Moses listened to his father in-laws to promote a leader of one thousand people, hundred people, fifty people and also for ten people (Exodus 18:21-26).

A leader has to delegate part of his responsible to others. Not for anyone but those who are skilled and have fear of God. They need to be honest and trust-worthy. These qualified people will be given responsibility according to their ability. They won’t be given task and later be ignored, but they will receive training and supervised until they become great.

So, how should we respond when people who we lead make a mistake?

In Exodus 24:12-14, God ordered Moses to be on the top of mountain. Before leaving, Moses gave trust to Aaron and Ur to be in charge of every problem that might occur when Moses was not around. The problem arose when the Israelites could not wait for Moses to come back (Exodus 32). In the middle of chaos, Aaron made a wrong decision. He molded a gold calf. God was so mad that He saw the Israelites bowed to worship this idol. God even wanted to destroy and replaced them with Moses’ descendants, but Moses didn’t stand up for Aaron to defend himself. Moses bore all the responsibility by asking for God’s forgiveness upon Israelites. And if God wanted to, Moses would be willing to erase his name from the Book of Life. We can see how big Moses’ heart was.

Bearing a responsibility is not about completing task, it also means willing to love people who God has trusted us to lead.

As God’s children, God puts us as a leader in order to become a blessing. God wants us to be successful and excel in everything we do. But above that, God wants us to channel His love to people that we are leading. Let us start to love and appreciate them as a “person”, not an “asset” in our organization. In love, there are rebukes and discipline, but also there is warm embraces. There is a time for a consequence when they commit a mistake, but also a time to help them rise from their failure and give them second chance.



Saul and David are two great figures on the Bible. Saul was appointed and anointed by God to become the King of Israel (1 Sam 9:16-17). David went through the same experience, too (1 Sam 16:12-13). But what did make the difference between them? Character and heart!

In one of the battle against Philistine, recorded on 1 Sam 13, Israelites were on the edge. Before it happened, Samuel had ordered Saul to wait for seven days until Samuel told him what to do next (1 Sam 10:8). But because Samuel had not appeared soon, the Israelites were about leaving the King Saul. King Saul was afraid to be left behind, he made sacrifices with a burnt offering and peace offering which were supposed to perform only by the priest. When Samuel came and confronted Saul, he denied, defended himself and didn’t repent to God. Then God removed his kingship and gave it to David because God saw his attitude (1 Sam 13:13-14).

Now, let us have a look at David. Although he had been anointed as king, it took couple of years to make it came true.  And during these years, David had experienced many processes. He started to become a servant and armor bearer of Saul (1 Sam 16:21-22), became a hero that defeated Goliath and was being hunted down by Saul.

Saul was full of envy and thirsty of power. The folk’s song “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousand” has made Saul felt underrated and threatened. On the other side, David believed that the throne was given by God to him. David never thought to compete against Saul. Saul didn’t obey and fought back against God, but David felt regret and repented immediately when Nathan, the prophet, rebuked him for his sins with Bathsheba. Looking over his attitude, David has found the favor of God.

Ability may get you to the top, but the true character and heart that will keep you there.

We have seen many of great leaders that started their leadership right, but they were fail in the process. Some of them could get on their feet, but many of them still stuck in their failure.

Great leaders are not them who are never failing, but people who are realize of their wrong, willing to change and strive over their failures.

The heart is the source of everything. A righteous heart can help the leader to do the right things and keep him in enduring when God is processing him. Every time he can strike against all the circumstances, then his character will be molded and transformed.

David had started his process long before Samuel anointed him. David could surpassed all the pressure and fleeing since he had firm foundation. David built his relationship with God thru his quite time with God, he worshipped God with his harp and he shepherded his small amount of sheep faithfully.

Through this writing, I encourage each of us to be a leader like David, who accepted the rebuke humbly and wanted to repent immediately. Let us build our strong faith and have an intimate relationship thru prayer and fellowshipping with Holy Spirit. May us can be faithful on small things that God has trusted, preserve during process, walk on the right tracks, and do not go aside from God’s word.



As Christ’s follower who is trusted to be a leader, people will not only measure of “WHAT IS” our achievements, but also assess the “HOW” we achieve it. That’s why we must have big integrity than the leaders outside of Christ.

Integrity means determined to apply value of the truth CONSISTENTLY in any situation. In this case, the value that we hold is a higher value than the morals and norms of society, which is THE GOD’S WORD. People with integrity have sincerity and honesty. He will not become specious, and don’t have hidden agendas. What they say is what they do.

“Let your Yes be simply Yes, and your No be simply No; anything more than that comes from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:37 AMP)

Leaders with integrity will be not in “gray area” and not “stand on two boats”. Leaders with integrity will be always consistent in words, attitudes, and actions.  They resolute and will not make compromise, not ashamed to admitted their mistakes, and willing to accept advice and criticism.

Skill can be trained, the knowledge can be learned, but integrity comes from the deepest of the heart. Integrity does not come just one night, but formed due process, maturity, and awareness. That’s why leaders with integrity are “expensive”.

We are able to achieve something if we have the ability and strong will to go forward. But if we do not have INTEGRITY, then all of it will only be a stumbling block for others as well as a snare for ourselves! Because without integrity then we will justify any means in order to get what we want. In the end, sooner or later we will fall.

He who walks with integrity walks securely, But he who perverts his ways will become known.” (Proverbs 10:9 NKJV)

“The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.” (Proverbs 11:3 NKJV)

Let’s be  leaders with integrity so we could glorfy God in every step of our leadership.



We are called by God to not only set up an organization, but to build men who are inside.

Jesus called His twelve disciples with various backgrounds. For three and half years, Jesus has invested in each of His disciples. He put inside them the value of Kingdom, changed the way they think, built a strong mentality, and also changed their paradigm. One of His disciple (Judas) had chosen his own way, but another eleven disciples who had been transformed become full of fire apostles and willing to bear the cross to spread the Gospel.

Also we can learn about David when he was in Cave of Adullam, 1 Sam 22:2 recorded that And everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him. So he became captain over them…..”

That time, David did not have the trained and scholar soldiers with him; they didn’t come from royal family, either. They were 400 people with bitterness, in distress and were nothing but trouble to the society. But under David’s leadership, they had transformed to become strong and loyal soldiers.

A leader has granted access and authority to do many things. We can use this chance to become the channel of God to distribute His love and power to touch and change people lives. If we see people that we lead have not reached our expectation, do not lose hope. Ask God to help us so we can see them as God sees us way before: For  consider your own call, brethren; not many  wise according to human estimates and standards, not many influential and powerful, not many of high and noble birth.”(1 Corinthians 1:26 AMP)

A leader who owns God’s heart can see through the potential inside somebody over their current problems and weaknesses.

Take this time to impart the values of life for people that we lead. When they become great leader, our organization also becomes better.



God has said in 2 Tim 3:1-9 about the last days. It is not easy to be a righteous leader in the middle of this corrupted world. From the time to time, the challenges and obstacles are getting bigger. We also see that the God’s children are often offered with frontal choices, either to be righteous but have to suffer disadvantages, or compromise with sin but surrounded by advantages. The world constantly offer us a dilemma.

In Matthew 10:16, God says “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

Wisdom and harmless could not be apart, being wise (shrewd) without harmless will make us sly, and harmless without wisdom will make people can take advantages of us.

We need to build everything in our lives on the strong and rooted Rock, so we will not be waived and swayed of the world’s currents. We have to believe and stand firm in God’s Word and do not go aside from it. It is not easy, but we can do it as long as we don’t depend on our own strength.



We have been talking about leaders that have a servant’s heart, carry big responsibility, and have a good character and true heart, having integrity, build a human, and stand firm on the Truth. But it all will be not endure if we don’t have the most important thing and become a major requirement as a leader: FEAR TO GOD!

A good Christian leader must have heart that fear to God! We could be a good people just because we afraid to get the consequence if we are not obey to God. BUT if we aren’t having a heart that fear to God then the goodness will not win when facing the temptation.

There is difference between fears to God with fear of “God’s punishment”. Many people fear to God’s punishment. They fear get into the hell, they afraid will not blessed by God, they afraid get infernal, etc. But fear to the Lord is not like that way!

AFRAID TO GOD IS ALWAYS BASED ON HEART THAT REALLY KNOWS AND LOVE GOD. Because of love, then people who afraid to God will be willing to bear the Cross, willing to deny ourselves and obey to God, will do vision and mission from God and not seek its own advantages.

The fear of God will make someone stand firm in the truth path. Because of love, they will not sacrifice their precious relationship with God just for the sake of temporary world achievement.

Each level and area of leadership has its own problems. That’s why as a leader we must have capability capacity to make right decisions in all circumstances. Every decision has different consequences. The higher the position of a leader or lead more people, the taken decisions will give the wider impact and will facing the greater temptations. We need wisdom. Therefore we must live in holiness and fear to God. Because “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7 NKJV)  and “For the Lord gives skillful and godly Wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” (Proverbs 2:6 AMP) 

On the other hand, God’s word says:

“Because they hated knowledge And did not CHOOSE the fear of the Lord, They would have none of my counsel And despised my every rebuke. Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, And be filled to the full with their own fancies.” (Proverbs 1:29-31 NKJV)

Beloved leaders, let us always CHOOSE fear to God in every step of our lives. Wherever our position right now, verily God has implanted DNA from heaven so we are able to be a leader according His will. Something we have to do is always live in fear of God and doing everything with love. Let’s pray for the Holy spirit will pour God’s love in our heart. When we give ourselves to God, I believe these words will certainly be fulfilled in our lives:

“Then I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear Me forever, for the good of them and their children after them.” (Jeremiah 32:39 NKJV) 

Only through communion with Holy Spirit and God-fearing life will be born leaders that have great capability, wise, and endure to go through the process to be more trusted.

The last but important, let us be a godly leader who is not expect reward. Integrity is a rare commodity in this world. It is not universally admired. Much easier for many to cut corners and compromise, put ethics aside. But promotion and monetary gain are not what a godly leader seeks. As a Christian leader, our goal is to do what is right, even if that requires sacrifice; to lead those placing their trust in us in such a way that they will, themselves, grow and develop along godly lines.





By: Sella Irene – Beautiful Words

Note: The last paragraph with italic font is contribution from sis Anna Waldherr. Thank you to sister Anna, your thought sure be a blessing fur us. God bless you and warm regards from me: Sella Irene

Photo Credit: Google Images (edit with Pixlr App)

AGREED (Guest Post)


By infinity love God came down to the world to save humans. From the outset His hand reached out waiting for us to accept Him. His great plan has been prepared for each people who willing to surrender to Him. There is no one that “simply” salvaged but each people are given the honor to work with God on this earth.

His plan is not ordinary plan, yet a terrific plan which is not affordable by the hand and human existence, EXCEPT when we willing to walk with Him! Not just to walk together, but hand in hand and AGREED with Him.

Like one yoke on the two oxen’s shoulder… Without a deal, two people cannot walk together and achieve the goal, because it will tug of war between the two interests.

“Can two walk together, unless they are AGREED?” (Amos 3:3 NKJV)

“Do two people walk hand in hand if they aren’t GOING TO THE SAME PLACE?” (Amos 3:3 MSG)

Amos, the Prophet speaks of the God of Israel. That verse is not just about the relationship of man with man, but the image of God and man walk together.

We will never be able to walk with God if we do not agree with him. Agreed with His mind, agreed with His heart, agreed with His ways, and agree with His objectives. That means we have agreed with the whole His word.

Agree with God means always say yes and no arguing (contend) with His word. When we do not do His word, that’s when we do not agree with him. When we act out of His word, that’s when we’re arguing (contend) with Him.

Agreed with God means always be obey to Him no matter the conditions! Indeed it is not easy for people have full of limitations and weaknesses. But there is ONE INFINITUDE WAY WITH GOD… THAT IS FAITH!



If we want a life above average, let’s walk with Jesus. But, often His way is not the same as our way. Often our brain cannot understand His ways. His truth is always contrary with the world concept, but we must continue to be in it without compromise! That’s why we must have faith..

Without faith, there would be no meeting point between God and us. Without faith, no one is able to walk with Him. His plan is too magical. His ways is fathomless. His mind is immeasurable.

“Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how fathomless his ways!” (Romans 11:33 NET)

“O Lord, how great are Your works! Your thoughts are very deep. A senseless man does not know, Nor does a fool understand this.” (Psalms 92:5-6 NKJV)

“I don’t think the way you think. The way you work isn’t the way I work.” God’s Decree. “For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think.” (Isaiah 55:8-9 MSG)

Walk with God means live by faith. If we want to walk with Him, let’s prepared to believe and trust to His guidance. Not easy, but not too difficult, because God never leaves us to fend for themselves. He is with us, in us. Our part is to be always agrees with His word.

Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, the prophets, apostles and followers of Christ are faithful to the end, are the ones who agrees with God. They catch the vision of God and totally give themselves to live in it. They walk with the Lord faithfully though the world often opposed. Their faith is proven by obedience in their every action.

Faith is not just a “sense of trust”, but faith is always accompanied by concrete actions, because our works are evidence of our faith.

How can they catch the vision of God and are fully confident to stay in it until the end?? Because they do not simply have knowledge about God, but they live in intimate fellowship with God in their daily life.



Our relationship with God is a very personal relationship. Jesus several times describes His people as the bride, and Christ is the bridegroom. And with the revelation of God, Isaiah, the prophet was uttered very beautiful prophetic about the relationship of God and His people:

For as a young man marries a virgin, So shall your sons marry you; And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, So shall your God rejoice over you. (Isaiah 62:5 NKJV)

That’s supposed to be as close and as intimate our relationship with God. But our intimacy with God will be not established if we do not accustom and train ourselves to interact closely with God.

Enoch is a man who walked with God and continues to build intimacy with God in all of his life until God lifted him. “Enoch WALKED STEADILY WITH GOD. And then one day he was simply gone: God took him.” (Genesis 5:24 MSG)

As well as Noah

“These are the records of the generations (family history) of Noah. Noah was a righteous man [one who was just and had right standing with God], blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked (LIVED) [IN HABITUAL FELLOWSHIP] with God.” (Genesis 6:9 AMP)

They both were very thirsty for fellowship with God more than his contemporaries and God responded by use their life in unexpected ways.

God wants much closer to us compared to we want to know Him. When we seek God wholeheartedly and says “yes, I do” to Him, God will impart His power and change us until we have the capacity to be the doer of the divine plan of God.

“…..but the people who [are spiritually mature and] know their God will display strength and take action [to resist].” (Daniel 11:32b AMP)

“….. the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” (Daniel 11:32b NKJV)

Only people who know God that can be His co-worker because to walk together with Him need agreement and unity in all things. If we don’t know God so we will not know His “language”. Without the same “language” we will impossible to understand each other. If not understanding each other will be impossible to agree each other. What is God’s “language”? How God speaks with us? The answer is through His word.



“Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word.” (John 8:43 NKJV)

God never acts contrary to His word. Because it is very important for us to diligently read, contemplate, and do His word. When we faithfully abide in the God’s word, then our sensitivity to the Lord’s voice will be more refined, our minds will be renewed, and our hearts will be more aligned with God. Thus, the easier it is for God to direct us according to His will!



Our agreement with God begins when by God’s grace we open our hearts to receive Jesus as Lord and one and only savior. That’s the first step of our faith with the seed of faith that comes from God alone. Surely we are being welcomed His outstretched hand. It is our first step of walk with the Lord and begins to enter to His plan. Keep moving, don’t stop, don’t turn, and don’t turn back!

“Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” (Hebrews 10:38 NKJV)

The first step is the beginning of everything, but we cannot stop and be satisfied until there. If we want to continue to grow in God, so we must have the continuously willingness as when we have opened our heart to invite the Lord Jesus come into our heart. Continuously willingness to leave all of ego, seeking personal satisfaction, sin and worldly pleasures. Also willingness to always obey and formed by God until we will in the image of God.

We cannot continue to be the spiritual baby. We must grow to be adult, puberty, and is ready to become the bride of Christ. Only people who have grown that can be trusted well by God.

Continue to agree with God by constantly obedient to His every word. Many people want to know God’s will, but did not want to obey. Many people want to hear the voice of God, but do not regularly read God’s word. CAN NOT!

As the two persons who continue to closely communicate intensely, the longer they “language” will be the same, their thoughts and perspectives more aligned, and then they are more able to reach an agreement. So it is between us and God. If we understand “His language”, then we will be understand His heart, easily capture His vision, and easier to understand of His every instruction.

God does not force us. God is looking who are willing. Obey and do all of God’s will in willingness, then every our step of obedience will bring us to achieve the fulfillment of His plan for our lives.

May the strength and wisdom of the Holy Spirit will sustain us, so that we remain firm and able to remain faithful to all calls and tasks assigned to us resolved definitively, according to His will. Amen.


By: Sella Irene – Beautiful Words

Image source: Google Images (edit with pixlr app)

Persistent All The Time

Proverb 8 17 - Karina's Thought - Sue Nash

I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. Proverb 8:17

This post was inspired by blog post from my dear sweet sister in Christ Sue Nash who wrote a beautiful poem based on Proverb 8:17 “Before the sunrise – I will seek you “ But I am not truly wrote this post based on her poem. This is just another thought of its verse.

When my mother asked what one of the keys to success in business, my mother replied,” Persistence! Many successful entrepreneurs in the world besides they have a good vision and mission, great business strategies, they also have the perseverance in running the business. However, unfortunately, many of them also fail in their business just because they are not persistent and easy to give up. They are just as excited and determined at the beginning of building a business. Once they are confronted by many problems and obstacles, they did not perseveringly confront all of that.”

I am contemplating on my mother’s statement. I am thinking about the Christians’ life. Many Christians in the early days following the Lord seemed so eager and passionate in the Lord. But as time goes by, their spirit began to fade. Previously they are so diligently serve God but are now beginning to slack. Who previously so diligently take meditating every day, now already much been absent. When they are facing so many problems and trials, they are not persisted but instead they began to slack off. They still have the misconception that being a follower of Christ will be free from problems. Actually, God does not want this thing happens in our spiritual lives

The Holy Bible advises to us, Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” (Romans 12:11) We have lost our first love for the Lord as happened in the Ephesians’ church.”… You have forsaken the love you had at first.”(Revelation 2:4) Without perseverance, anything we do will never bring maximum results.

Persevering is a strong determination (unwavering) to be serious in doing any task. Persevering also means focused, consistent and not easily give up on what we’re doing. The Bible noted: You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” (Hebrews 10:36) Only the people who always are persevere will bear fruit and enjoy the rewards. Luke 8:15 said, But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”

We all really longs that the promises of God fulfilled in our lives, but it would be difficult to be realized if we do not have perseverance. Perseverance in prayer and in doing that all God wants in our lives. So persistence is the most important element to get the success. Especially in this era, almost everyone wants everything instantly. Want to get success quickly, but do not want to work hard, want to succeed, but do not want to strive.

How persistence can be formed? James said, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” (James 1: 2-3)  Through testing we can learn to persevere. That is why sometimes God allows problems happen in our lives in order that we have the perseverance. Persistence also can be formed through the practice. Persistence that does not happen in an instant but needs to be trained from the small matters. How we can persevere in the face of big problems, if we are not persistent facing a small problem.

My dear lovely readers, how about us? How big our persistence? Do we want to be successful in all aspects of our lives? Start by seeking God’s wisdom perseveringly. Ponder the God’s word every day, do it and obey. For whoever finds wisdom, get a life and God will deign to us. “For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.” (Proverb 8:35) Have we meditate and do the word of God with persistent so that we get the blessing and His love?

O Lord, teach us to persevere love and obey Your word in life and our lives. Amen

“If we endure we will also reign with him…..” 2 Timothy 2:12


Photo by Sue Nash   http://heavenlyraindrops.wordpress.com/

Between Two Choices

between two choices- Karina's thought

This post was inspired by my blog friend from Indonesia. Few days ago she shared her problem in choosing. She was in the intersection and had to choose which one is best for her future. The point is she was confronted by two choices. Keep doing her current job with the consequences of the assured financial condition or doing another job which according from her heart calling but with the consequences of uncertain future and financial condition. She was very anxious about it.

Life is full of choice? Yes! That is right. Every day and every moment in this life, we are always faced with a choice. This is a problem because sometimes run into difficulties when it comes to choosing from the many offered. Make a choice between two things would be easier if both options are available equally well. But if we had to choose two things which contain the risks, it would be very difficult.

The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. Genesis 13:14

At first glance, this verse does not seem related to the choosing, but this paragraph is a precept by which we accept God’s answer in choosing and deciding something. “After Lot separated from Abram, the Lord …” This means that before Abram parting with Lot, the Lord has not spoken to him. Why is that? Whereas before the Lord himself who called Abram to leave his country and promised a better country. Abram took a right decision, which is more closely to follow what the Lord says. But when Abram leaves his country and follow the commandments of the LORD, he brought Lot (Lot is a picture of the flesh or lust).

We are called to be followers of Christ and respond with the right decision to follow Him. However, there are few people who follow Christ still bring their flesh and lust. So when faced with the choices in this life, we are forcing the Lord so that He answer what we ask to Him. Whereas the position is still in our flesh, the Lord will not answer what we ask to Him. Why? The above verse clearly says that after Abram parted with Lot, then the Lord spoke, and gave His instructions. So, before asking the Lord for to take a decision, have we left a life of our flesh and lust?

Heart calls or God’s calls? I don’t know exactly what kind of my friend’s heart calls. Follow our heart call is good. But we should consider and think whether it calls according with God’s will or there are elements of the flesh and lust in our hearts calls. Because making a choice which based on lust with choices based on the will of the Lord is the opposite. Because if every time the Lord answered and provide the best choice, if we are still alive within our flesh and lust, surely we would follow the flesh and not on what the Lord says. Calls of the heart which does not in accordance with God’s will would become calls in accordance with our selfishness. The important thing is not which one should we choose, but the most important is when determining a choice, have we actually parted with our flesh?

In determining a choice, we should not be selfish. For the Lord said to wherever or whatever we choose, it’s all going to be given to us and our descendants. “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.”Deuteronomy 30:19. So in choosing, we should also remember our abilities. Appropriate or not with our own existing capabilities. The other thing to remember when making decisions is after looking around (not selfish), we should ask for blessings sufficiently. However, this is often forgotten.

What if we’ve made ​​the choice, apparently God has a better choice than what we have chosen?  Let we take a look a while to Paul’s story.  In the decision making process Paul can still be missed (not in the context of good or evil). In taking the decision, Paul has looked around and makes a choice to go preach the gospel to Asia. But there he was rejected, and then go to Galatia, Phrygia, and Misia, but even there he was rejected. The decisions taken by Paul is correct (because he went to preach), but Lord knows there is a right place for Paul, which is in Macedonia. That is why the Lord directs Paul to Macedonia. (Acts 16: 6-10)

We need to know that the Lord will never make us regret, because God has many ways to change or improve things, including our decision that not appropriate for us. So do not be afraid to make decisions when we are already separated by “Lot”. Even if one day we make decisions that were not appropriate, the Lord will lead us to the better choice.

If the choices we make are not based on flesh, aim to glorify God, are not rely on our own strength and wisdom, and according to God’s will, then what we choose or decide it will give you satisfaction. And if it is not a perfect choice, Our Lord will make it perfect for us, as He did to Paul. Amen.


I dedicate this post to my sister in Christ Sella Irene. http://sellairene.wordpress.com

Related article: Never A Blind Fate by KrizSummer

Photo credit: empowernetwork.com

Living in The Meekness

Ephesians 4 2 Sue Nash


Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful toward those who keep the demands of his covenant. Psalm 25:8-10

Today one of my friends asked me to write an article with topic of meekness. Interesting!  And as long as I am active in the blog, I rarely write about it. I think meekness is one of the aspects which are quite important in our lives, especially in our Christian lives. And here’s a bit of my thoughts about meekness.

From an early age in our society we are taught from many media such as television, books, news and well-meaning relatives that we must always have the upper hand or we will be seen as weak. We may have been told that we cannot be seen as an effective worker, parent, teen or whatever if we do not express ourselves with pride and forcefulness.

The bible teaches something entirely different. God says that one of the characteristics we should have is meekness. What does it mean to be meek? Meekness is a gentleness or kindness seen in a person’s character. It can be shown through humility, patience, and restraint. A meek man has greater strength than the prideful man. God tells us that Moses was a meek man and that he was above all men that were upon the face of the earth. Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth. (Number 12:3)

Christians develop a different attitude towards others and circumstances. There is an understanding of God’s view of the lost and a Godly sorrow for their state. When we exercise patience with others and treat them with kindness, God is pleased. God does not approve of pride in the life or a believer and there are consequences to pride. Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. (Proverb 16:18)

Through Bible reading or study and prayer we are as a Christian develops a stronger foundation to use a guideline for our lives. As we grow in our Christian life we seek humility and gentleness when dealing with the world. God has clearly stated that He will guide the meek and teach them.

When we are talking to our peers at the office or where ever we are, do we boast of our own accomplishments? Do we put all our faith in our knowledge and little in God’s wisdom? Be honest with ourselves about whether pride is in the forefront of our actions. Ask to God to help us to be humble and meek. Paul many times talks about meekness.

 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. (Colossians 3:12)

 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. (1Timothy 6:11)

Gentleness and patience, it was repeated by the apostle who formerly known as the butcher of believers but then transformed so radically in a very short time.Even Jesus himself said: “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you”. (Luke 6:27-28)

My dear lovely readers, if we already have a character of meekness? When we see someone suffering do we offer our support or pray for them? If someone tries to make us angry, criticizes us or picks on us, do we show restraint and avoid further confrontation? When we are witnessing to the lost, do we talk to them with a gentle spirit and kindness? As a Christian, it is time for us to continually improving our meekness. So through our meekness others will see and feel God’s love and wisdom. Ask to the Lord continuously to give us the strength to continue to be humble, gentle, and kind. Amen.

Karina – Living in the meekness.

Photo credit: Sue Nash.  http://heavenlyraindrops.wordpress.com

The Mystery of Prayer

The Mystery of Prayer
Beyond that which words can interpret
Or theology can explain
The soul feels a “shower of refreshment”
That falls like the gentle rain

On hearts that are parched with problems
And are searching to find the way
To somehow attract God’s attention
Through well-chosen words as they pray,

Not knowing that God in His wisdom
Can sense all man’s worry and woe
For there is nothing man can conceal
That God does not already know…

So kneel in prayer in His presence
And you’ll find no need to speak
For softly in silent communion
God grants you the peace that you seek.


Photo credit: common.wikimedia.org