God is Our Refuge (Psalm 46:1)

Psalm 46 1

Nearly every day I always received many email from my friends. Not a bit from some persons who I don’t know before. Most of them share about their problems or just ask me to pray about everything they need. I always excited to read their email because from their story I always learned so many things for my own goodness and for my spiritual growth as well.

Today I got an email from someone from Thailand. She is a new Christian and told him about her problem. At the end of the email he asked me a simple and common question but for me it is very important to contemplate and often times it’s very difficult to be applied in our daily lives. This is her question: “How to struggle with so many troubles?”

The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. Psalm 9: 9-10

I am trying to respond her question based on the verse above.  This verse of Psalm is a God’s promise to us. The Lord will be a refuge, a shelter, a hiding place in times of trouble.

One thing we have to remember that the troubles have become a part of our lives. We cannot run and hide from troubles. The problem is, although many Christians who profess to believe in God sometimes forget that He is the source of help in the time of trouble.

When we are in struggling with trials, sickness, and or losses we must be remembered that God is sovereign and He is working in our life even when we cannot understand the unfolding of his providences. When troubles comes to , for example; to a marriage, or parents are struggling with a rebellious child, or like my friend who have troubles in her job, we must remember that God’s word is our source of counsel and that God does not forsake them that seek Him.

Many times Satan suggests that our trouble is so big and there is no hope anymore. Once again, at that time we should to remember that God is God of hope and only to Him we must turn. Psalm 9:10 said: “And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.”

So, how to struggle with so many troubles?

First, we must understand that the power of God will make us believe that nothing is too hard for God. Second, we must truly understand and believe that His merciful gives us hope to call Him in our time of need. The last, this is the important point, we must strongly understand and believe that his faithful assures us that He always keep His promises.

I reaffirm one statement above that God is sovereign and He is working in our life even when we cannot understand the unfolding of his providences. God never stay silent. He knows all our troubles and he certainly proved his promises. Always directs our hearts and minds as well as get into the His presence. Put our faith on Him and trust on His word. Amen.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

Karina – Living by Faith

Photo credit: biblewordslk.blogspot.com

27 thoughts on “God is Our Refuge (Psalm 46:1)

  1. beautiful truth from the word … many times our own words fail to bring the counsel people need, but the truth from God’s Word always brings comfort.. thank you for sharing 🙂

  2. This is beautiful, Karina! When I am struggling, I think of Joseph’s story. How his brothers sold him as a slave, how he ended up in prison, and ultimately at Pharaoh’s right hand–in a position to save the very brothers who had intended him harm. God sees a much bigger picture than I do, and I find great comfort in that. Blessings to you today, dear sister!

    • Dear sis Rebeca
      You are welcome,sis. Thank you for reminding me about story of Joseh. Joseph has through 3P. Pit, Prison and Finally Palace. I have learned so much from Joseph’s struggling as well. Many love and Blessings to you too.

  3. Amen! This is a super great post! So much truth! I thank my God each in my remembrance of you! I am so glad we have “found” each other! You fill my heart with great joy! Thank you dearest one! 🙂

  4. Dear Karina,
    This post is very helpful to the new Christian and one who has been around for a while. We all struggle with having many trials in our lives. We have to trust in the only one who is our refuge and strength. Excellent post.

    Sis, how many of these posts have you made? I think you should put them together in a collection.

    Have a wonderful day.

    • Thank you for your comment, sis. Well I don’t know exactly how much but I think not much. That is a good idea, sis. I will spend my time to put them into a collection. By the way, how’s your book?

      • Thank you for asking. I just got it back from the publisher. It looks good, but there are publisher corrections to make. I’m not happy with how they wrote the back cover. I will have to work on that this weekend. I wanted to post the cover on my blog page but I can’t yet. We are about 6 weeks away from publishing.

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