A Cup of Tea for God

A CUP OF TEA FOR GOD - Karina's Thought


My father once said that one of the happiest things is when his little daughter ran to greet him when he came home after work. Still strongly remembered in my mind when I was 6, every day I ran excitedly with happily shouting, “Daddy…!” to my father. With cheerful face he opened his arms to hug me tightly, kissed me and I kissed him back. After that, with my Mom’s help, usually I made him a cup of hot tea and then I sat beside him. I also still remember, within his tiredness, my dad’s face radiated a tremendous happiness. At that time, I was excited because I could make him happy and wipe his tiredness after work all day long.
As a child, make our mom and dad pleased and happy is become our responsibility. Well, How about God our Father in Heaven? Whether we always make Him pleased and happy too? If I always make a cup of tea as a way to make him happy, what we can do so can make God pleased? We cannot run to greet God, and then God will hug and kiss us like my daddy did to me. We even cannot make a cup of tea for God. We are not physically near with God. So what we can do? Here, as an example, I chose one of the great Bible figures that said as a righteous man, blameless among the people and walked with God. He is Noah! Noah’s life is always pleasing God and we can learn from him how to make God pleased. At least there are five things that we could get from Noah so that we can please God.
Love God above of all
Noah always loves God more than anything even when there is nobody loves God. Love God means to have a very close relationship with Him.


This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. (Genesis 6:9)

Through this verse, we knew that Noah has a very close relationship with God. This is also what God wants from us. God longs we have very close relationship with Him, love Him wholeheartedly, and what He desired is our mercy. Hosea 6:6 said:


For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings. (Hosea 6:6)

In this verse we know that our mercy can make God pleased. Give big offerings to the church or those people in need doesn’t mean we automatically have been pleases God. God also would be pleased if we have unstoppable yearning to be closer to Him and to know of his personal more deeply. Still strong, not easily waver because of the worldly temptations. In the New Testament, Jesus said:


“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. (Matthew 22:37-38)

What about us now? How deep is our love to God? Do we have very close relationship with God? Whether we have been doing the Lord’s command as written in the verse above?
Fully trust to God
Noah fully trust what God told him when He warned about something that has not happened and unseen and when God commanded him to do unreasonable thing. Actually, there are three things that can make Noah did not believe what had God said to him. First, He never sees the rain and before the floodwaters God irrigate the earth from the land. Second, Noah lived far from the sea. How could he bring the ark into the sea? Third, put together the whole animals are not an easy job. But what Noah does? He does not complain and prefer trust to God and have faith that he knows what the best is. God pleased that Noah totally trusts Him. In everyday lives, how deep we trust in God? Do we still trust in God when our lives so hard and there are so many difficult things should to overcome? Do we still firmly trust to God when we should to do unreasonable things? Like Noah, indeed God will be very pleased if in any circumstances we still faithfully trust Him. We should to remain trust that whatever God commanded is the best for us.
Fully obey to God
At the time, when God commanded Noah to make an ark, God does not say, “Noah, Make it a regular boat as whatever you want” But God gave the details of the ark that should to be made. (Genesis 6:14 -16) Then, what Noah did? Beside he fully trust to God, Noah is fully obey to God’s command. He did every single detail as prescribed by God precisely.


Noah did everything just as God commanded him. (Genesis 6:22)

What about us? What if God commanded us to do something according His will? Do we will obey to doing everything what God wants? Or we would have many questions, raise an objection or we even unwilling to do it all? God will pleased if we remain obey to do all of His word. God will be very pleased if we live our lives with obedience. Have we?
Praising the Lord and be grateful
Praising the Lord is one form of way to pleasing God. God will be pleased if we have lifestyle that is always praise and worship Him in the midst of our happiness and even sadness, and we do it with wholeheartedly. The first act of Noah after survived from the floodwaters is expressing his thankfulness to God by offering burnt sacrifices.

Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. (Genesis 8:20)

We must know and understand, God is very pleased and love His children if we always Glorify, Praise and be grateful for what God has given to us. This means that God’s will be happy and pleased when we appreciate everything that God has done for us. Are we ready to have lifestyle that always praise and worship Him whatever our situation and condition? Can we always be grateful not only in our happiness but even in affliction?

Sing to the LORD with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp.(Psalm 147:7)

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Using our ability

When God gave the command to Noah to make an ark, Noah did it by using all his ability. And Noah believes that God will enable him to make an ark according to God’s command. After the flood, God gave Noah another command:

“Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands. Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything” (Genesis 9:1-3)

This is the time of Noah to use his ability to continue life. Doing the things that has become God’s plan and provision for mankind. Have a children and offspring, found a family, farming and breeding. So it is with us now, God also wants us to use the abilities that God has given us to do the God’s will and to please Him. There is no reason for us to not be able to do God’s will, because we are not going to bring the glory of God and we are not going to be a blessing if we shame and do not use our ability for the God’s glory. God gives us different abilities beside used for our benefit, God also wants through our abilities always please Him.

My dear readers, I will end this post by asking you to ponder these five things: If we have longing to loves God more than anything and make Him as a top priority? Have we truly lean on and completely trust to God? How deep is our obedience to do all His commands? If we already have a lifestyle that is always be grateful and praise God in all circumstances? How we use our ability, if only for worldly pleasure or all we do is just for pleases and glory of God alone? Physically, we cannot make a cup of tea for God, could not run greet, hug and kiss Him. But spiritually we can come to God, living in His providence, feel His warm loving kindness and blessings. And we can make “A cup” of mercy for God filled with full of love, trust, obedience, praise and gratefulness. We make it with full of our ability to pleases God. Are we willing to? Amen.

Further reading: https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2014/04/29/what-does-it-mean-to-thine-own-self-be-true/

Thank you very much to Sister Anne for your further article.

Karina – Living by Faith
Image source: Google Images

52 thoughts on “A Cup of Tea for God

  1. Dear Karina – elegant, wise, and loving. As always. The “make a cuppa” and snuggle up really caught me. What a gorgeous thing. And the final “we can make a cup of mercy …” – now isn’t that a moment I can do so easily with love and a smile.

    “This is my blood, shed for thee.” Well here is a cuppa brewed for thee dear lord! Thank you!!

    • Dear brother Paul.
      Thank you so much for your lovely and warm comment 🙂 Amen! Always make a cup of tea for our Lord For pleases Him. Thank you and have a blessed day.

  2. Who can top what Paul just wrote. Wonderful Karina. I just love it. My grand daughter Aly makes me feel the way you made your dad feel when young. Sweet post. You’re a sweetheart and sister. Have a great week!!!

    • Dear brother Levi
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment. What a wonderful moment you and your grand daughter 🙂 now, I always make a cuppa for my husband just like I did to my daddy 🙂 have a blessed week too, brother Levi.

  3. Dear Karina thank you for another brilliant post, beautiful and inspiring as always!. There is a lot to ponder on in what you have shared, may our hearts be enlarged and drawn closer to seek His face more and more. May our lives continue to reflect His light to those in darkness. Richest blessings to you my sister! 🙂

  4. Karina,

    What a beautiful post, on how as His children, we should love, trust, obey, praise and use our gifts (abilities) for our God and Creator. Excellent Scripture in bring out those areas we are to be obedient in. May the Lord continue to bless you as you are an encouragement to other, like me. May you have a wonderful day in the Lord.


    • Dear Mikey
      Thank you so much for taking your time reading and commenting my post 🙂 May God always blessed you great blog to be blessing to others. Have a blessed day 🙂

  5. Karina, would you believe I was sipping a cup of tea when I read your post this morning? The timing was perfect! Thank you for this beautiful and encouraging and thought provoking post! Serving our Lord in whatever way this day will be like serving Him tea! God bless you! ~ Laura

  6. I love the story about you greeting your Father and making him tea. What a beautiful picture and it relates perfectly to how we should aspire to please our Heavenly Father! Thank you for this!

  7. I can see where your heart is Karina, life is made better by thinking of what we can do for him sometimes! I pray for Him often and written some poems on that subject! But I find myself so moved by your beautiful poem…i love, the love your heart shares with God each day! Your poem is a gem!

  8. Wow Karina!
    Another really great post. So much to chew on. Firstly, I read what you were talking about concerning trust. So true and so deep…..

    The points you shared were so on point. One of the points really spoke to me. The one about praising God and being grateful. I loved this point especially. Thanks Karina….


  9. I was blessed Karina to read your 5 points to ponder on and I did ponder on them, your words were wise, uplifting and encouraging. I would like to add another one, I hope this will be OK with you.

    It really is more of a continuation of one of your own points to ponder, I will leave you a link, it will save detail here. But too sum-up we can indeed make God a cup of Tea and give Him a big Hug too, Yes we can for real!

    Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great Commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt Love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two Commandments hang all the law and the Prophets.

    Love- https://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2014/04/29/what-does-it-mean-to-thine-own-self-be-true/

    We can’t have one Commandment.without the other they go together and to Love means with God’s Love not fleshy Love.

    What we do for others we are doing for The Lord -Galatians 6:2

    Thank you Karina, I will be looking forward to your next Post.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne

    • Hello sis Anne
      I am so sorry for late response. I got a bit busy in the office now. Well, such a honor to me you willing to gave me another point to ponder. I really, really appreciate it. if you don’t mind I will put your link to my post as a further reading/article. If it’s ok I will do it ASAP. Have a blessed day, sis Anne.

  10. Thank you Karina for your kindness in wanting to do a pingback the message on the Post is all about us being part of the Body of Christ and when we are in Unity with each other, we are One with Him too.

    If you were coming to visit me Karina, I would greet you with a kiss and a big (((HUG))) and make you a cuppa and God would feel very Loved as well, we can’t show others Love without it touching His heart too… How good is that!

    Blessings dear Katrina and may you have many big (((HUGS ))) throughout your life. It’s so good to know you are my kind, caring Sister in The Lord – Anne

    • Dear Sister Anne, good evening.
      I have been put your link post to mine 🙂 Thank you so much for your kindness as well. . It would be great if I could visit to Australia again. But unfortunately, here I am not so easy to take a trip. Just because I am quite busy in the company and the most important is right now I am pregnant. Goes to 6 months:)

      Sis, I couldn’t talk to much here. I wanna take my prayer time. Later would be better we communicate through email. Here’s my email: Karina_susanto@ymail.com.
      Once again thank youm have a blessed evening.

      • How wonderful Karina, a baby and even though there are millions of Babies born, no doubt yours will be the most beautiful Mum and Dads always think so and so they should.

        Ron and myself are having a long awaited break from our daily work commitments, Ron with Church and mine on the Blog and Home responsibilities but I will be in contact with you by e -mail in the next few days.

        Blessings – Anne

  11. very good read Karina..your words spark memories of when I was a single father and how there was no day that could not be made better just by looking forward to my little girl being genuinely glad to see me and no matter how daunting is was to see her trust in me…..it did make it easier to take care of us because she fully trusted in me….! God bless!

  12. Always drawing us closer and closer to our God. Thanks you so much. Your blog is one of the blogs that brings solid food food for maturity. You are the best, Karina!! Have a graceful weekend and a blessed life


  13. Hi Karina
    What a wonderful post of your relationship with your earthly father & our heavenly Father. Our Father in heaven, who is so rich & powerful, desires & delights in our praises & obedience to Him.

    Your title ‘A Cup of Tea for God’ reminded me of that great musical The King & I, in which the song ‘Getting to Know You’ was sung back in the 1950s. The refrain in the song is ‘My Cup of Tea’. Here it is:

    Thank you for visiting my blog! God bless you greatly!

    Uncle Wyman
    ~Drgold http://drgoldsite.wordpress.com

    • Good evening,uncle. .:)
      I am so surprised read your comment on my post. Thank you so much for reading my post and your lovely comment. Oh by the way I never hear that song. Maybe later I will ask my parents about that song and the musical. Who knows they know it. Uncle, this morning I was read your post. As always I print it out for my further study. I am so sorry rarely give comment to your post..because for me, to comprehend your post need much time 🙂 ok uncle, thank you so much for your kindness. God bless you and your fam abundantly 🙂

  14. Karina, you have a beautiful gift for expressing the truth of God’s Word. I love this post and the sweet image in my mind of a precious daughter bringing her father a cup of tea. I am going to look for ways that I can bring blessing and honor to my Heavenly Father today. Thank you for sharing your gift, you are such a blessing my friend.

  15. This is a lovely tribute both to your earthly father and heavenly Father, Karina. I hope your father’s health is improving, and that the strain has not been too much for you and your mother. ❤

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