He is Never too Late

He is never too late

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. (Psalm 27:14)

 “I don’t how long I must waiting for the God’s answer. I think God is too long to respond or perhaps even He did not respond to my prayer. I am getting impatient” This remark came out from my friend who was having problems in her work. Few days ago she came to my office to ask an advice. This is a problem that often occurs in many Christians including me sometimes.

The reason that we many times do not see or feel the Lord presence is that we are not waiting for the lord. We are still on our own timetable and we are still running madly ahead of God and hoping He will catch up to our plans. But that is not how God works. He doesn’t change just because we are fickle and He does not hurry just because we are impatient.

I asked my friend to open a passage of the Bible from John 11. This is a story about the death of Lazarus. When he was sick, her sisters Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus. At that time there is an impression that Jesus was playing for time to come. Even when at last Lazarus dead Jesus still had not come. But previously Jesus was convinced that the disease will not take Lazarus to the death even through his illness the name of the Lord will be glorified.When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”(John 11:4)

Jesus was coming when Lazarus had been buried four days. Knowing that Jesus came, Mary and Martha said to Him: Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. (John 11:21). Why did Jesus do this? There is a reason! Jesus wants many people to believe (Verse 15). If Jesus came when Lazarus was sick, then there will only be a few people who believe. But Jesus makes everything right on time and eventually many people believed in Him. “Therefore many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary, and had seen what Jesus did, believed in him” (John 11:45)

My dear lovely friends, sometimes we act like Mary and Martha. Also like my friend.  When we are being pressed by so many problems we asked God to come very soon to help us. Even as time goes by, we feel God too long to respond or even we assume God does not answer our prayers. I said to my friend that our time is not His time and what will the future bring? just wait for the Lord. When our problem will end? Just wait for the Lord.  God wants us waiting patiently so that His glory can be expressed in our lives. For God nothing is impossible and He is never too late.

I said again that our problem may not go away tomorrow, but God has promise to always give us strength to overcome our problems. The pain may not diminish, but his grace neither will diminish. Just be patient, ask to God through prayer so that god gives us strength to be patient. Always put our eyes upon God’s promise, wrap our mind around this word: When we wait for the Lord courageously, He will strengthen our hearts. He is never too late and never insufficient. Not live with our own thoughts and own way because Isaiah said: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8) Amen.

Karina – He is never too late

Photo credit: scottygraham.blogspot.com

30 thoughts on “He is Never too Late

  1. Karina, it is so hard for us to wait on the Lord. We have our own timetable and want Him to act accordingly. The blessing is He knows what is best and His timing is always perfect. What a blessing you were to your coworker for helping her see that.

  2. Amen, Amen – He is always right on time. All we have to do is know and believe that the words that we spoke in prayer shall be answered as we walk in faith, by His Grace (unmerited and unearned favor). His Grace is the Gift from God …which is THE Present. If you wake up every morning and are breathing in the present – you have received God’s Grace. Now, His favor is many other things that occur in your life…but it begins with your waking and taking that breath. He is our breath and the breath of life.

    John 14:13

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    13 And I will do [I Myself will grant] whatever you ask in My Name [as presenting all that I Am], so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in (through) the Son.

    John 14:14

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    14 [Yes] I will grant [I Myself will do for you] whatever you shall ask in My Name [as presenting all that I Am].

    Matthew 18:20

    Amplified Bible (AMP)

    20 For wherever two or three are gathered (drawn together as My followers) in (into) My name, there I Am in the midst of them.

    Asking in His Name is saying at the end of each and every prayer or request “In Jesus’ Name..Amen” He is our Advocate – and anything given unto God in prayer or spoken word, in Jesus’ Name is not refused. Angels must move on it – and God will answer it. It can not be denied! But, a Christian who lacks faith will block their blessing flow..for we can not please God without faith and it paralyzes the power of God. It tells Him that those who lack faith do not trust Him to provide all that they need..so why should He? Would you do anything for anyone who does not trust you? No demon in hell can steal a blessing – but a Christian can surely block their own.

  3. i don’t know how to tell you, but when i am reading this post, i feel something ( “live” and “fresh” ) overflows from your heart. A story that came out of a personal experience with God, other people will surely impart. I am very blessed. Thank you for sharing, Karina. I pray that God always anointing your thought. Amen

    • 🙂 Thank you so much,sis. Thanks for your warm and lovely comment. I really appreciate it. When the others feel blessed read my post, in the other hand I am feel blessed as well. Many love and blessing to you.

  4. This is such a great post! It is hard to wait for the LORD, but when we do we are truly blessed. We never think it is quick enough but it is always the perfect time, His time. Thank you my granddaughter! As you go to work, may the LORD continue to use you to speak wisdom and truth to your friend! You are a very special young lady! 🙂

    • Hi grandma, good evening.
      Aah..you always gave me very warm comment. Thank you so much 🙂 actually I am just ordinary lady but God almighty gave me an extraordinary blessing to my life. Oh by the way happy anniversary for you and Larry. (bigh hugs for both of you) blessings on your evening,grandma.

  5. Blessings Karina and what a wonderful post. It is truly difficult to wait on the Lord but His time is the best time. I am truly blessed and encouraged after reading this post. God bless your heart and keep up the good work.

  6. Reblogged this on I KIJO Not and commented:
    We must recognise desperation in ourselves. When we recognise it we know that we are not yet ready to receive any word from God. No effective parent speaks to you while you are screaming, shouting, ranting, or over-eager. They instead hold you and let you finish talking throughout that period because they know that whatever they say to you at that time, you won’t hear it. They wait for your tantrum, rant, question, or issues to be over and then they speak. If you feel yourself so eager to vocalise that God has not responded, it is more likely HE is waiting for you to finish your issue before HE tells you what you need to hear or gives you what you need. After all, he is the Master of all things and all people – he is our designer and our creator. He knows what the problem is, but before He responds, he needs to see that you know what the problem is. Then you can ‘not only’ help yourself …but pass along your wisdom to help others. In John 13:34, when Jesus said: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” In that one command, that new instruction – held the key to every single problem and issue we have on this planet. If we are truly loving one another then our problems are not just our problems, therefore the solution to all problems and issues are just not for us alone. Every time we have an issue or a problem, we must remember that God’s word to us is not just for us – it is for us to be in a position to share our wisdom to help others; so it stands to reason that any word from God comes with a set of learning outcomes. When we next wait on God – we should look for the learning outcome as well as the answer. God is waiting for you to learn something. This is why HE is never too late. When you learn what you need to know you will see your perspective change as you understand that HE is in fact…always on time!

  7. Lovely post. We must recognise desperation in ourselves. When we recognise it we know that we are not yet ready to receive any word from God. No effective parent speaks to you while you are screaming, shouting, ranting, or over-eager. They instead hold you and let you finish talking throughout that period because they know that whatever they say to you at that time, you won’t hear it. They wait for your tantrum, rant, question, or issues to be over and then they speak. If you feel yourself so eager to vocalise that God has not responded, it is more likely HE is waiting for you to finish your issue before HE tells you what you need to hear or gives you what you need. After all, he is the Master of all things and all people – he is our designer and our creator. He knows what the problem is, but before He responds, he needs to see that you know what the problem is. Then you can ‘not only’ help yourself …but pass along your wisdom to help others. In John 13:34, when Jesus said: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” In that one command, that new instruction – held the key to every single problem and issue we have on this planet. If we are truly loving one another then our problems are not just our problems, therefore the solution to all problems and issues are just not for us alone. Every time we have an issue or a problem, we must remember that God’s word to us is not just for us – it is for us to be in a position to share our wisdom to help others; so it stands to reason that any word from God comes with a set of learning outcomes. When we next wait on God – we should look for the learning outcome as well as the answer. God is waiting for you to learn something. This is why HE is never too late. When you learn what you need to know you will see your perspective change as you understand that HE is in fact…always on time!

    • Amen! Thank you so much for your great comment on my post. Every words that you said wll be my valuable thought. I have learned something important and valuable things from your comment 🙂 once again thank you so much. Blessings.

    • @Ikijonot Ahhh..you hit the nail on the head. That is why we are to just ‘drop it’ and give all of our worries unto God no matter the situation or the consequence. With all of the ranting, raving and the worries..we are not able to hear His voice. Also, He may be waiting for us to be still. Just because there are those who say God is not speaking or listening…does not mean His presence is not there. He may be waiting for those who do not hear Him or see Him – to listen.

      http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NjW1OXvNgQY/TzbzCxwdQ3I/AAAAAAAAA74/V2bP4eikBe0/s1600/Trust.jpg 🙂

      He does not give us anything that we can not handle because through Christ we receive strength and with belief, we can do anything!


        • @ikijonot You are very welcome and thank you. It is so nice to hear the truth; it is not often that we do. There is truth mixed in with deception or words that are believed from persons stuck in religion. Therefore, most times I enjoy a post, until I get to words that are not true of God. Yours were spot on all the way! God does not do things in His own time. It all depends on the faith and belief of the person. We are to wait after our prayer, knowing that we are going to receive…but as we walk our faith walk in the valley (where the enemy is allowed to try to get us to doubt or lose faith), that is where many will listen to his demonic suggestions of “God is not going to answer,” or “God is not going to provide,” or “God will do it when He thinks you should have it” or “God may not give it to you because HE feels it is not the right time..” or “God may not give it to you because HE knows you should not have it…” I am sorry THAT IS AGAINST THE WORD OF GOD!!!! He never states He will give it to us in HIS own time! God states He will give you all that you ask for. Nevertheless, the responsibility of the Christian is to know this as truth, have faith in it and believe, while listening to God all the way through and praising Him through it all. All things are possible to those who believe. However, I teach from my own faith walk, that is such a blessing and I receive all that I ask for and I have not just entered my rest, but I have been blessed with Shalom! Everything! I never doubt – and I never lose faith. Faith is the currency of Heaven and Praise is the power that will change your circumstances. God is the engine and Lord over my Life as well as King. There is no other. That is why we are to praise God in the good and the bad because all things are under His control, He is in control of all things and situations, He has never left His Throne, all things are His Will (whether a person wants to admit it or not), therefore, we are blessed no matter what is occurring (since those who are reading this are breathing), thereby, we are to say in the bad … “Hallelujah anyhow! God HAS Got has this and I am blessed going in and blessed going out”…and in the good we praise Him. It takes a lot of time and laboring in order to enter our rest we are to enter so that we no longer have to toil or labor in faith. Once you enter your rest…Faith is there all of the time as well as belief and no matter what occurs, you know that God is in control and all things will be well between us and Him if we only believe them to be. No more toiling in Faith..you do not even have to think about it. It is a painful labor through all of those years of doing so, but it is not something that is not possible and it is ooooooooooooh..so very worth it. Therefore, horrible instances are God’s Will for His Glory alone – but He does not have to explain to man why He allows certain things to occur. He is in Control and He does not have to explain to man one solitary thing. It is a blessing to be blessed with His interpretation of His Word – His Mysteries, His Secrets and His Wisdom that allows those who are blessed with such spiritual gifts the explanation of some things. Nevertheless, even with those of us who are – He does not always explain. God does not say “no..” He only answers “yes” and Amen. If Christians believe, that God says no…then He will by not providing. Let me give you an example – and please do not think that I am boasting, but I am speaking the below only because God spoke to me – thus referencing and edifying what I just stated.

          I have been studying very hard for my Master’s program – and told the Lord during my Bachelor’s studies that I wanted to make it into the Golden Key Honor Society. I did not make it during my Bachelor’s Studies, but I kept the faith knowing that God would only improve me to the point where I would be able to graduate as an Honor Student in the field of Intelligence and National Security. Well, one day unexpectedly, I received about four (4) invitations to Honor Societies but not one from Golden Key. I asked God (seeking Him and His Kingdom first), if I should join one of them (thus an answer requiring a yes or a no). He did not answer for four days (which was very odd for me, but I did not take it personally) – and so I told Him that since He did not answer, I will take that as “none” and He literally led me to my email to ‘erase’ those emails and I told Him “okay, I do it then..in faith.” The very and I mean VERY next day – I received the invitation from Golden Key Honor Society, and God immediately made Himself known to me from within – as He manifested outward from within, thus showing His spirit briefly emanating from within me – outward… saying only these words as I clicked onto the email with joy “this is the one.” I praised Him then He spoke directly (verbally), saying that “I do not say no – I only say yes and Amen. If I stated no – then my death on the Cross would be a lie.” I immediately understood! During my Bachelors Studies, I did not ask for Him to make sure I was invited so that when He provided what was needed to qualify, I would qualify.. I just told Him what I wanted, therefore, when those other invitations arrives…. I had asked Him “which one should I join” when neither were Golden Key – thus not knowing if I would be invited. The Yes and Amen (so be it), was for Golden Key knowing that is what I wanted…and yes, after entering my rest, I now ‘want not.” I had faith through His quiet that I was going to do what He wanted me to do no matter the circumstance or situation and I took that quiet as meaning not to do it (but still not “no.”). Therefore, He blessed me once I followed His lead in deleting the other emails knowing that I wanted to join one of them, since I had not received the invitation from Golden Key, but not joining “just because I wanted to.”

          God provides all things – which includes all of our wants, needs and desires. Everything we own is from God, our job, the money in the bank, our homes, children, friends, family and all material possessions. IT is the hard times that the enemy is allowed to test our faith. However, it is those hard times that our faith is strengthen in Christ Jesus. Know that Satan does not have any power BUT the power you give him. God is the power of all things, even the ‘supposed’ “make him think……that he is sick, unemployed, have no food’ whatever it takes. I had to go through the deception of sickness and dis(ease), until I received God’s revelation and He has healed me of all things in all areas of my life. When a person is unemployed, they need to just know that the assignment is over, and tell God that they are ready for the next assignment in faith and walk His lead to every interview. I had to be tested many times before I entered into my rest, in which one day, Satan “wanted me to think” that I did not have any food in my refrigerator or cabinets. I stated out loud “The devil is a liar and I do not believe the physical, only the spiritual, and the Kingdom of God is NOT broke, therefore, I am not broke, and God will provide what I need according to His riches and Glory in Christ Jesus and HE will not allow me to starve if HE has to rain manna from heaven to feed me!” I told the Lord to that in order to show my faith in Him that I know He does not lie, I was not going to ask for money for those last days of the months to put food in my home. Later that day, my neighbor rang the doorbell saying “I do not know why, but I am being told to bring you a hot plate of food….do you need food?” It old him what was going on, while praising God..and I was fed in abundance those last few days of the month. Now, I never lack..and my vats are full in abundance, to the full till it overflows….because I showed my Lord my faith in Him, knowing that He would provide all things – while not ever believing in the physical which is the devil’s lie! The devil counts on man’s carnal nature to believe what he sees, hears, feels, etc…when we are only to believe the spirit and know in faith that….

          Hebrews 11:1-8
          Amplified Bible (AMP)
          11 Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

          So, He certainly can take care of worries. He is the provider of our dreams thus; our jobs are our assignments from Him. He is the knowledge that gives us what we wanted to be when we grew up and He is the power that gave us our talent. Therefore, we are to trust only in Him for all things and not the strong arm of man, for a man that trusteth in the strong arm of man is cursed. Even if the person trusteth in himself or herself to provide all things, when it is only God that provides. He provides Shalom! Complete and total healing in all areas of our lives – not just physical. I can go on and on..but I will not, I got to go….but thank you for taking the time in reading this testimony. God certainly made my test a testimony and my mess a message, praise God!

          • Wow thank you Apostle. God bless you. What a great long read. Thank you for sharing your faith with me. We all have so much to learn from each other about our personal walk with Christ. I am honoured to have this opportunity to learn about yours and I have certainly seen areas in which I may further develop my understanding of my family in Christ. Thank you so much for your testimony. My Blog is beginning to share how God has touched me throughout my life – I am getting there by telling my story bit by bit. God is guiding me through the process because I cannot do it alone. I am not ashamed to admit this. Thank you for inspiring me again today. Stay blessed in Jesus Mighty Name.

          • @ikijonot You are very welcome! You know, I believe it is God who has us reveal His miracles and Glory in our lives when it is time to do so. I have so much to tell, but I know that I am not to tell as of yet. Not only for those who do not believe and are Christians, but because it simply is not the time. There is a season for everything and when we are told to speak a testimony of God’s Glory and Grace in our lives – then that message is for someone who has an ear to listen and then a light bulb in their head will go off… 🙂 and the light (Christ) reveals the truth. From the time I was taken up in 2003 to the present is full of God’s glory and grace – and it was not easy being taught directly from God but I thank Him, Bless Him and Praise Him for it. After being taken up and repenting – God has shown me the difference between being a disobedient Christian to one who is not of ‘religion,’ but one who only lives, breathes, speaks, and acts only according to the Word of God. I did not know that becoming a born again Christian we were to change our mindset to the Word of God. I thought that all we had to do after being born again was to believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God, that He was crucified and was resurrected on the 3rd day. Boy was I wrong….and my entire life were the consequences of believing in that devil’s lie. Being SICK was simply not the word for it. So, in that, and seeing what God can do unto those who live according to His Will and Grace alone and not try to live all 613 laws which we no long have to live by….wow..there is no way I would ever go back to that type of life. HE states that it is us who repent who truly show the Glory of God..and it is so very true. I am blessed for being blessed to speak His truths and I thank, bless and praise Him – giving Him all of the Glory for blessing me with apostleship. It is not something that is to be taken for granted….we are to literally live the Word and nothing less from it. Like I told my Lord before I became anointed….feed me in spirit the Word of God, and not any of those written by man (changed by man like some versions changing the word Lord and making it lord…etc.), or any other version that is printed here in the physical realm. I did not want a lie written in and I did not want the enemy saying “well, King James wrote that one, so I want King James in…” I told the Lord that it is those very words that HE spoke in Heaven – before HE had HIS prophets write them down, that is the only Word of God that I wanted written in my heart, mind and spirit. I did not know what I was asking for however (ugh!.. :-)), and did not know why it was bitter not just to the taste by also to the stomach. In response, I told God..”but the one who was fed the Word of God, it was sweet to the taste by bitter to stomach..” He did not reply, until a few weeks ago..years after my statement. The reason why it was so bitter – is because it was going to be a bitter battle that I would be victorious over it all through Him, but in asking Him for His truth alone..and none of this world…I was able to know His adversary directly, seeing him in the spirit, hearing him speak to me in the spirit (straight from hell)….and having to fight from victory against him in the spirit. Know Christians that we do NOT fight for victory BUT from Victory! We already have it. So, no matter the situation – you are already victorious. Also know this….when the enemy is trying to get you to do something or get you to think something that is against the Word of God…know that God loves you and that you are His beloved. Say those words to Satan and watch him fall. Other words you can say are “Satan, do you have a birth certificate?” Do you know why? Christ had to be born in the flesh through man, in order to have dominion and to retrieve back the deed to the earth that Adam gave to Satan by believing his lies (though it was Eve who transgressed). So, in so doing….asking Satan if he has a birth certificate tells him that you know that he does not have dominion – thereby, no power over you! He was not born and will never be born here in earth. God would never allow Satan to be born, thus receiving dominion. Never believe those movies of the devil in the flesh birthed. It will never happen. That would be God giving away His Kingdom and you know that will never happen.

            In Christ’s Eternal love unto you all,

            Apostle of Jesus Christ Solael

  8. Oh Sis, I needed to read these words this morning. It is so hard waiting. We’re going through a hard time waiting right now, so these words are so timely. Thank you for blessing me dear Sis.

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